5 Activity Examples with [Activated Prompts]

Equipping you in Authoring content for Teaching and Learning in Virtual Reality

1. Question Stations

Level and Learning:

Question stations is a version of question prompting that allows learners to engage with multiple questions related to a theme or context. This activity promotes production by learners. Questions can be adjusted based on the level of learner and course context as appropriate.  This activity can be effective for learners at any level of language ability from A1-C2.

TPACK for Example Activity Content Knowledge:

Getting to know you vocabulary

Technological Knowledge:

VR Locations, VR Graphic Organizer, VR Activated Prompt

Pedagogical Knowledge:

Completing basic exchanges is critical area of knowing for participating in interactive communication.


Can introduce themselves in a basic way, giving some information about where they live, their family etc. Speaking, A1 (22)

1. Review question and answer structure.

Use the graphic organizer in the Networking room to have Ss review the structure of questions and answers.


Create a whiteboard and elicit a list of questions that demonstrate on the board for Ss to review.


2. Choose partner and starting question station.

Have Ss take a card from the prompt deck to receive their role in the discussion (e.g., A, B). Have Ss navigate to the nested prompt to receive their starting station and order for discussion.


3. Have Ss answer questions at the question stations.

Have Ss follow the directions and navigate to their question station. Ss assigned to start first pushes the Change Prompt button to reveal the question. Ss answers the question first, then asks their partners. Partners answer, then push the Change Prompt button to continue. When finished all questions, Ss navigate to the next station.


Have Ss choose one question to answer in writing and share the response to the class LMS or forum.


2. Open-Ended Role Play

Level and Learning:

Open-ended role-plays are useful to practice transactions and exchanges where opportunities for describing personal opinions, beliefs, preferences, traditions, or culture allow for a variety of responses during a scenario. Open-ended role-plays are less scaffolded and are appropriate for learners from A2+-C2.

TPACK for Example Activity Content Knowledge:

Fixed expressions for preferences

Technological Knowledge:

VR Locations, VR Nested Prompt, VR Graphic Organizer, VR Activated Prompt

Pedagogical Knowledge:

Responding to open-ended questions that reflect authentic transactions improves ability to communicate fluently in various contexts and situations.


Can express general preferences using basic fixed expressions. Speaking, A2 (34)

1. Review language for describing preferences.

Bring students to the hotel and start at the nested prompt. Share fixed expressions to describe preferences with definitions. Have Ss take turns using each expression in a sentence. Clarify as necessary.


2. Create preference statements for hotel room choice.

Rally Ss to the Graphic Organizer. Ss place tiles on the board to indicate the 'strength' of the expression (e.g., 'I enjoy' is not as strong as 'I prefer'). Explain to Ss that the hotel reservation system has assigned students to room 103. Have Ss review the rooms. Return to the Graphic Organizer. Work in pairs or as teams to use fixed expressions to describe room preferences.


Create whiteboards for Ss to make additional writing space for creating statements.


3. Check-in open-ended role play.

Go to the check-in desk. Have Ss take a prompt card from the deck to determine their starting role (e.g. hotel clerk, customer). Clerks go behind the desk and push the change prompt button to reveal questions for the role play.  Customers openly respond, referencing fixed expression to share preferences.


Have Ss record a selfie-video and share an experience where they had to clearly share preferences is order to solve a problem. Share videos on the class LMS or forum.


3. Guess and Say/Do

Level and Learning:

Guess and say/do works well to learners work vocabulary and word meaning, improving flexibility and fluency with varied levels of meaning. This activity can be effective for learners at any level of language ability from A1-C2.

TPACK for Example Activity Content Knowledge:

Vocabulary related to illness

Technological Knowledge:

Vr Locations, VR Scene Elements (All)

Pedagogical Knowledge:

Describing the definition of words, and acting out words and phrases, enriches learners understanding of vocabulary and improves handling of words with multiple levels of meaning.


Can ask and talk about very basic symptoms and ailments (e.g. cold, flu). Speaking, A2+ (36)

1. Introduce types of ailments and define with Ss.

Rally Ss to the graphic organizer. Review the words and definitions with Ss. Have Ss listen and act out each symptom. Use the organizer to organize the symptoms by visibility. Move to the multiple choice. Provide 4 prompts. Have Ss describe the similarities and differences between the four symptoms listed.


2. Learn the symptoms with guess, say, and do.

Have Ss take turns behind the check-in desk in the Doctor's office. Ss push the change prompt button to reveal a symptom. Ss describe the symptom without saying the word. Other listen and guess. When Ss successfully guess, Ss act out the symptoms.


Ss behind the counter will not see activated prompts embedded in screens.


3. Complete the symptom and treatment role play.

Create pairs and go to the doctors office. Have one Ss take a card to learn their symptom. They act out the symptom for the doctor. The doctor observes and guesses. When the doctor guesses correctly, use the nested prompt to reveal the suggested treatment.


Have Ss take a picture of the concept map white boards using the student camera. Ask Ss to upload pictures on the class LMS or forum with a summary paragraph.


4. Questions for Discussion

Level and Learning:

Question for Discussion allows learners engage with multiple questions related to a theme or context and works well to promote fluent use of language by learners. Questions can be adjusted based on the level of learner and course context as appropriate. This activity can be effective for learners at any level of language ability from A1-C2.

TPACK for Example Activity Content Knowledge:

Language related to future plans and intentions

Technological Knowledge:

VR Locations, VR Activated Prompt, VR Graphic Organizer, VR Nested Prompt, Whiteboard Placeable

Pedagogical Knowledge:

Improving the ability to use a variety of learned language to provide personal details, interest, and beliefs is critical for achieving fluency.


Can describe future plans and intentions using fixed expressions. Speaking, B1 (43)Can use 'plan'/'intend'/’mean’ + 'to' + infinitive to talk about present and future plans and intentions. Grammar, B1+ (52)

1. Use the graphic organizer to review discussion future plans.

Review the language used to discuss future plans and intentions. Have Ss match verbs to the expression and complete the statements. Have Ss write both questions and statements using future intentions.


2. Ss practice answering questions in pairs.

Move to the nested prompt. Have Ss practice answering questions using fixed expressions for future intentions.


You can use a whiteboard to provide additional model language for Ss to scaffold practice.


3. Ss have a casual conversation about future intentions.

Have Ss take a seat around the activated prompt. Have Ss taking turns pushing the activated prompt button. Each Ss shares an answer to the question until all Ss have had a chance to speak. When finished, Ss push the activated prompt button to receive a new prompt. Continue for all prompts.


Share activated prompt questions on the class LMS. Have Ss chose one to respond to in writing, or via video, and upload to share with others.


5. Act it Out

Level and Learning:

Act it out is a variation on charades, and can help learners practice language by encouraging the use of all previously learned language to describe specific situations, events, illustrations, or stories. The selection of the topic informs the overall level of this activity, allowing for rich scaffolding for any learner. This activity can be effective for learners at any level of language ability from A1-C2.

TPACK for Example Activity Content Knowledge:

General language related to verbs, reported speech

Technological Knowledge:

VR Locations, VR Graphic Organizer, VR Activated Prompt

Pedagogical Knowledge:

Embodied and kinesthetic learning helps improve long term memory of language features and can improve retention and recall of language for use in a variety of contextual situations.


Can describe the plot of a book or film in some detail. Speaking, B2 (59)

1. Elicit movies or books that are familiar to the students.

Arrange Ss by the graphic organizer. Have Ss work in pairs or small group and make lists of interesting movies or books. Have Ss write the names in the appropriate column.


You can add suggestions from students on the graphic organizer tiles and share in real time. Use the same movies and books to quickly create activated prompts.


2. Elicit examples of the plots for 2 suggestions.

Choose one of the movies or stories provided by Ss. Have Ss summarize the plot. Choose another. This time, ask the Ss who the main character is. You, as the teacher, pretend to be the main character. Listen as students describe the plot and 'act out' what the main character is doing in the story.


3. Act it out on stage.

Have Ss take a seat in the Comedy Club. One Ss goes on stage and pushes the 'show prompt' on the Activated Prompt. Ask the Ss in the audience to describe the plot. The Ss on stage listens and acts out the plot in real time. Continue as time permits.


In large group classes, have Ss act out the plot in pairs. Have Ss choose one of the plots and write a short paragraph or record a video review to share on the class LMS or Forum.
