Moving and Interacting in Immerse VR

Learning the Immerse Controls

Note: This page provides an introduction to some basic controls. Students will be taught all controls when in VR


You can teleport using the thumbstick on your controller.

  1. Push forward on the thumbstick.

    (Photo of a right hand pushing forward on the thumbstick on a VR controller)
  2. A teleport circle will appear.

    (A green circle on a mat on the floor in a virtual garage)
  3. Move the circle to where you want to go and release to teleport.

    (1st-person view of a mat on the floor in a virtual garage)

Pick Up Items

In Immerse, you can pick up anything that has a white circle.

  1. Point your hand at the object.

    (A virtual hand reaches for a football with a circle on it)
  2. Push and hold the “Grab” button with your middle finger to grab the item.

    (The football floats towards the virtual hand)
  3. You can move items you pick up forward and backwards with the thumbstick.


    (Left side: photo of a right hand pushing forward on the thumbstick on a VR controller; right side: a football sliding away from a virtual hand)



Interacting With Your Live Teacher

The teacher can help you during your lesson!

(Smiling character typing on a laptop with the Immerse logo)

Teachers can send you messages and assign you a role, a task, a partner, or a group.

You will learn how to work with your teacher while in the Immerse Platform.