Approaches to Curriculum Delivery

Designing Full, Blended, and Flipped VR learning


(On the left, a character smiles while using a VR headset and controllers; on the right, a character works on a laptop bearing the Immerse logo)


The Immerse Virtual Learning Experience Platform can be used with a variety of learning models, including the following:

  • Full VR Instruction – delivering all learning, from instruction through performance, in virtual spaces

  • Blended VR Instruction – combining face-to-face and virtual environments for instruction and performance

  • Flipped VR instruction – developing skills and knowledge through pre-assigned work and using the virtual space for problem-solving and performance work

Curriculum Models and Immerse

The Immerse Virtual Learning Experience Platform provides a content-agnostic space in which instructors can facilitate language learning experiences in virtual reality. The possibilities for teaching and learning in Immerse are endless, providing curriculum designers multiple ways in which to embed and align virtual reality (VR) instruction with their institutions' current learning content.

Virtual reality learning experiences can be utilized as part of the core curriculum in a variety of ways. Achieving the best integration of VR at your institution can be done by reviewing your specific curriculum outcomes, learning objectives, pedagogical practices, and course materials. We are committed to helping institutions get the most out of VR learning and will be happy to provide further guidance and support as desired.

Full VR Instruction Blended VR Instruction Flipped VR Instruction

Immerse allows for a complete learning experience in virtual reality. Instructors can prepare and introduce new language functions and lexical items in VR and invite learners to practice and use new language, all inside of the virtual space.

When completing full instruction in VR, instructors can take advantage of all the various ways in which VR can aid the language learning experience, including:

  • Setting the context with a virtual scene

  • Activating schema with videos, animations, and models

  • Using virtual realia to introduce new concepts and language

  • Check prior knowledge with virtual models, animations, and videos

  • Using virtual prompts to provide language and additional scaffolding

  • Summoning virtual white boards to provide support at point of need

  • Facilitating role plays, interviews, presentations, and discussions to demonstrate language use

For Guidance on how to create a VR Course, click here.

The Immerse VLEP is a perfect fit for blended learning programs, easily integrating with face-to-face* instruction. When using Immerse as part of a blended model, educators can move from direct instruction into virtual reality, where learners will be able to practice and use language to solve problems and engage in tasks in a variety of virtual scenes.

*Face-to-face instruction is defined as direct presentation and facilitation by an instructor in an on-site classroom or through a 2D video conferencing platform (e.g. Zoom, Go-To-Webinar, Blackboard Collab, Google Hangouts, etc.)


When using a blended methodology, institutions have many options:

  • Introduce a new language structure face-to-face, then have learners put on headsets to move into VR to practice

  • Review key concepts, language functions and lexical items face-to-face, then move to VR for collaborative activities to apply the concepts

  • Bridge from real-world learning projects presented face-to-face, to virtual reality for heightened presentation and interaction opportunities

  • Begin in virtual reality to use and work with language functions and lexical items, then move to face-to-face instruction for clarification and correction

  • Collaborate on projects in virtual reality, then share results, findings, and results during face-to-face instruction

In a blended model, instructors and learners move seamlessly between virtual reality and general instruction, utilizing 21st century skills to communicate new information and collaborate with others. In blended environments, VR ideally becomes an effective and practical technology used appropriately to support learning, just like other classroom technologies.

Immerse also works well in flipped learning environments, where instructors use a combination of out-of-class preparation with in-class performance work to facilitate language instruction. In a flipped classroom, instructors flip memorization and mastery work, the lower order thinking skills of Bloom’s Taxonomy, by assigning them as out-of-class work. Learners can practice and review instructional material as often as desired, preparing to apply, synthesize and create, the higher order thinking skills of Bloom’s Taxonomy, during instructor facilitated learning in virtual reality.  Flipping instruction with VR can be aligned to the curriculum in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Assigning drills and practice activities as homework, meeting in VR to use practice language

  • Having learners review structural and organizing material out of class, for discussion and analysis in virtual scenes

  • Preparing interview questions collaboratively out of class, then conducting interviews with peers in virtual scenes

  • Reviewing information (listening and reading) out of class, for later discussion in virtual scenes

  • Developing dramatic interactions and role-plays outside of class, for performance in virtual scenes

  • Preparing presentations on topics of interest or study, for presentation, debate, and discussion in virtual scenes

These are only a few examples of how Immerse can be used to flip the curriculum. Further, for institutions interested in using Immerse as part of a larger flipped curriculum practice, we recommend Flip It!, a complete introduction to the method and practice written specifically for English language teaching professionals.