Performance-Based Assessment and Virtual Reality

Delivering learning experiences in Immerse allows instructors to curate and facilitate a variety of engaging language experiences. Immerse can support the introduction and practice of new language, support practice and deeper internalization of core language, and allow for long-form production and conversation as learners develop language skills.

Virtual reality learning works best when learners are given multiple opportunities to interact and perform, allowing instructors to watch and observe performance.

Assessing Speaking on a Scale

Speaking is the productive aspect of communication in which learners produce language as either presentation or interaction with others. We recommend using the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and Global Scale of English (GSE) assessment framework to pinpoint performance criteria relevant to your specific lessons. The CEFR and GSE are useful for determining anticipated levels of performance relative to the skills presented. The extended GSE offers additional granular objectives useful for customizing rubrics.

In each class being assessed, instructors determine the appropriate average level of performance according to their institution's expectations of progress. For example, consider a classroom where learners entered with an A2 level of ability, and course content aims to help learners achieve A2+/B1 level ability. In this classroom, A2 performance is the minimum expectation, performance in the A2+ range represents expected progress, and performance at the B1 range slightly exceeds progress expectations. Performance in the A1 range would, of course, be considered below expectations. 

Once the range of performance on the CEFR/GSE has been determined, instructors assess in-class performance as falling above or below expectations on a graduated scale. We suggest 5-point scale that describes skill at the performance criteria from Improvement Needed (1) to Fluent Performance (5).

As many institutions and instructors will have already developed institutional rubrics, the following Assessment Tool and relevant rubrics are designed to provide a model. Where performance assessment rubrics need to be created, the suggested resources and scale will provide guidance and examples that can be modified to more specifically reflect the needs of your classroom.

Upon request, we can provide further training and professional staff development on creating rubrics, task monitoring, and performance assessment. Please contact our support team with your interest.