Guidance for Scene-Based Learning

In Immerse, the potential for variety in learning journeys is limited only by your creativity. Here are some general best practices that will help you foster fun, engaging, and creative learning experiences in Immerse.

Depending on the needs of your lesson or curriculum, you may plan to spend your entire lesson in a single location in Immerse. On other occasions, the fun and delight of traveling to multiple locations may be more useful than a single scene interaction.

In this section, we provide some general considerations for planning your lessons to provide the most meaningful learning experience to your learners.

Single-Scene Lessons

There are times when it is best to plan your entire learning experience using only a single scene in Immerse.

Here are some examples of situations where single-scene learning experiences provide the best learning opportunities for students.

Learning Scenario

Rationale for Single-Scene Lesson

Learners are A0 or True Beginners

Students will need time to build vocabulary knowledge to describe people, places, and things. Single scenes allow for more focus.

Learners have limited experience with Immerse

Students will need time to learn the context-specific vocabulary for each scene. Until students demonstrate confidence with context-specific language, a single scene will allow for improved focus and confidence.

Language is specific to one location

Working in a single scene will maintain focus on learning.

The learning objective is relatively challenging for students

When introducing complicated new language, developing understanding in one location allows for greater focus.

Class length is relatively short (20 min or less)

For shorter class times, using one room allows for quick introduction to activities and maximum time for communication practice.


Multi-Scene Lessons

As with single-scene planning, there are times when traveling to multiple locations allows for the most engaging and flexible learning experience.

Here are some examples of situations where a multi-scene learning experiences provides the best learning opportunities for students.

Learning Scenario

Rationale for Multi-Scene Lesson

Learners are familiar with Immerse, have visited multiple locations in Immerse, and have a strong knowledge of core context-specific vocabulary

When students have a basic working knowledge of the people, places, and things in Immerse, using multiple rooms is a great way to further develop language. For example, students could practice adjectives by describing animals in the zoo, things in a backyard BBQ, and objects on the scanner belt at the airport.

Language to be learned is not specific to one scene

When introducing language that functions across multiple contexts (e.g. present progressive, modals, etc.) using multiple scenes offers richer opportunities for language practice for students who have strong core knowledges of people, places, and things in Immerse.

The learning objective is less complicated

When the objective of the class is less complicated, such as reviewing previously learned content for instance, using multiple scenes provides numerous opportunities for practicing in a variety of contexts.

Class length is relatively long (40 minutes or more)

With longer class sessions, there is more time to present and practice language in an initial location before going on to practice that language in multiple contexts. For example, when learning language for engaging in a purchase, students can practice first in the Shopping Center, and then repeat the exchanges in the Coffee Shop, Restaurant, and Airport scenes, allowing for deep practice with the language across multiple contexts.