What topics are Immerse research partners already examining?

Our current Research Partners are examining a variety of topics with learners of a variety of languages (English, French, Italian, etc.). These include (but are not limited to):

  • Language teachers' perceptions and uses of VR 
  • Teacher development / training for VR 
  • Impact of VR on vocabulary learning
  • The impact of VR on speaking proficiency 
  • Role-playing in VR
  • Hybrid learning with VR
  • Impact of VR on speaking self-efficacy
  • Task-based blended learning in VR
  • VR and foreign language anxiety
  • Drama/theatre for language learning in VR

We welcome research on almost any topic pertaining to VR and language learning, but are particularly interested in longitudinal, empirical studies that can examine how VR impacts learning outcomes. We are also very much interested in research examining feedback/assessment or gamification in VR.