What are the benefits to being a Research Partner?

We offer several benefits to our Immerse Research Partners, including:

  • Free access to the Immerse platform for the duration of the research project.
  • Feedback and guidance when choosing the research methodologies for your project.
  • Teacher and student training materials (written guides, videos, etc.) that show how to use the app. Depending on partnership details, we occasionally offer live trainings.
  • Suggestions regarding where to apply for research funding and who to contact at your university for support. (Unfortunately, we cannot provide VR hardware or fund research.)  
  • Access to our Immerse Research Partners group where you can network and collaborate with other researchers in the field. 
  • Access to our database of conferences and journals where you can disseminate your work.
  • Access to our Zotero database where we have collected previous research on VR and language learning.