How do I record a lesson in Immerse?

*Disclaimer* Please refer to your institution's Data Privacy and Security Statement before recording in Immerse. The team at Immerse will never record any of your lessons, but the option exists for administrative decision-makers. We like to remind everyone to follow the security and privacy policies of their institution while recording VR Lessons.


What gets recorded?

  • All audio:
    • Students' voices
    • Teacher's voice
  • Names:
    • Students' names (in the avatar nameplates above their heads)
      • Note: Students can enter an anonymous "avatar name" in the nameplate if desired. Think gamertag ◡̈  
    • Teacher's name
  • Teacher's face (if in-app webcam is enabled by the teacher)
  • Any personal information shared via voice chat audio

How to Record

1. In Observer Mode

(Click here for instructions on using Observer Mode)

You can record lessons as an observer:

  • Click the built-in recording tool to start a recording.
  • Use controls to fly around and capture the desired footage.
  • End the recording.
    • The MP4 video file will be automatically saved to your desktop.


(Screengrab of using the "Camera Controls" menu to record)

2. Through the Teacher Application + Screen Share

You can record lessons as a teacher (from the 3rd-person and teacher points of view):

  1. For Mac:
    1. Open the Immerse Desktop Application.
    2. Click “Shift + Command + 5.”
    3. Set the screen you wish to record, and open the “Options” tab to choose a location to save the recording on your computer and to set the audio recording.
    4. Click "Record."
    5. Proceed with lesson.
    6. At the end of the desired recording, click “Shift” + “Command” + “5” again, and click the stop button.
    7. The recording will automatically be saved for playback in the chosen location.
  2. For PC, you will need to find out how to screen record on your specific model. You may need to download a screen recording application. If this is not ideal for you, follow these steps to use Zoom to record.:
    1. Open the Immerse application.
    2. Then open the Zoom application.
    3. Start a Zoom meeting (with no one present).
    4. Initiate a “Screen Share” of your own screen, and choose the Immerse App Window.
    5. Make sure your Zoom recording settings allow for audio to be recorded.
    6. Now record the “Zoom call with the screen share."
    7. Proceed with the lesson on the Immerse application.
    8. When complete, switch back to Zoom and end the recording.
    9. End the Zoom call.
    10. Your recording will be saved to your computer for playback.