How do I upload a .plan file in Immerse?

What is a .plan file?

A .plan file is the file version that is generated by the Immerse application when you export a "Created Plan" from the Planning Hub inside the application. Let's say you use the Planning Hub to build a lesson, add scene elements, fill in content in the editor, and save a title. You can then press the export button to create a text file to have outside of the application. The file created is a .plan file. 

How do I upload a created .plan file into my application?

1. Open the app and go to the “Location Selector” at the top center of the screen.


(Screengrab of a character seated at a desk in the Immerse world, with "Location Selector" circled at the top center of the screen)

2. Click on “Saved” and on the “Import” Button (shown below)


(On-screen menu with the "Plans" tab and upload buttons circled)

3. Upload the .plan file and save it.


(On-screen menu with a pop-up window prompting the user to choose a file from the computer)

Now the Plan is saved in Immerse in the same format as all the others.