How do I use a playlist for a multi-scene lesson?

When planning a multi-scene lesson in Immerse, you will need to combine several single-scene lessons into one, easy-to-reference multi-scene playlist. The playlist will store these lessons to be used in sequence.

Note: You must first have all of your desired lessons created or uploaded into Immerse before following these instructions. 

Creating a Playlist in Immerse

  1. Open the Experience Selector and select the "Plans" tab.Screen_Shot_2021-11-02_at_3.55.59_PM.png(The Plans tab is selected in the Experience Selector, where a menu of lessons is displayed)
  2. Search for the singlelLesson you wish to add.Screen_Shot_2021-11-02_at_3.59.39_PM.png(The tile for a lesson called "Warm Up Activities" appears in the Experience Selector, and the tile's three vertical dots are circled)
  3. Click the three dot "menu" on the lesson and choose "Add to Playlist."Screen_Shot_2021-11-02_at_4.00.34_PM.png(The tile for a lesson called "Warm Up Activities" appears in the Experience Selector, and an arrow points to "Add to playlist" in a drop-down menu on the tile)
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all the Scenes/Lessons you wish to include.

Conducting a Multi-Scene Lesson

  1. Open the Experience Selector and click the "Playlist" tab.Screen_Shot_2021-11-02_at_4.03.35_PM.png(The Playlist tab is selected in the Experience Selector, where tiles for three lessons are displayed)
  2. Select the desired Scene/Lesson of your Multi-Scene Lesson.
    1. Screen_Shot_2021-11-02_at_4.04.26_PM.png(The Playlist tab is selected in the Experience Selector, where tiles for three lessons are displayed; an arrow points to the first lesson, called "Welcome to Immerse")
    2. Screen_Shot_2021-11-02_at_4.05.32_PM.png(A character stands in a lobby; a pop-up titled "Welcome to Immerse" is open to instructions for conducting the lesson)
  3. Repeat this step for each Scene in the Playlist.
    1. Screen_Shot_2021-11-02_at_4.06.57_PM.png(A character stands in a lobby; a pop-up titled "Welcome to Immerse" is open to instructions for conducting the lesson; at the top center of the screen, the "Change Experience" icon is circled)
    2. Screen_Shot_2021-11-02_at_4.06.04_PM.png(The Playlist tab is selected in the Experience Selector, where tiles for three lessons are displayed; an arrow points to the second lesson, called "Warm Up Activities")