How do I re-center my screen in VR?

Your headset view can be reset or re-centered at any time while using your Meta Quest 2 or Quest.

(Best) To reset your view with your controller:

  • Point your controller straight ahead, and press and hold the Oculus button

    oculus icon until your view resets.


(Alternate) To reset your view from your Settings Menu:

  1. Press oculus icon on your right Touch controller to pull up your universal menu.

  2. Select , then select Settings.

  3. Select Quick Actions.

  4. Select double headed crossed arrows

  5. Move your head to your preferred position, ensuring the screen view feels natural and comfortable.

  6. With your head in the preferred position, select confirm to set your position.

If you continue experiencing issues with your headset position, turn your headset off and back on again before trying again.

If this does not answer your question directly, visit the MetaQuest Support Site for more help.